10 Daily Habits To Create This Year
People are rewarded in public for what they do in private. We are recognized for the things we are great at, but in order to become great...

Is Your Mouth Killing Your Dream?
I just want to ask you one question: Are you speaking life or death over your dream(s)? That's right! You heard me correctly. Is your...

Overcoming A False Identity
If there is one thing that can suffocate a person in life, it is wearing a false identity. All of us were created with a purpose. We're...

A Cause for Celebration
Here we are. This is a new year. We have been blessed to make it thus far, but not everyone is feeling jubilant. Not everyone is...

Stop Complaining and Just Do It
One of the most longed after sayings in life is “I made it.” Everyone longs to say those words. It doesn't matter what career you are...

Are You Desperate or Irresistible?
When God tells you to do something, it's best to listen the first time around. Don't wait until he sends ten plagues your way--before you...

My Biggest Fear
Wouldn't it just be so simple if we could all live in our little comfort zones? We'd all love to live in a world where no one and nothing...